Find a Verified Locksmith:
Find a Verified Locksmith:
When you’re locked out of your car, it’s hard to know where to turn these days. Keys and transponders are complicated and the underlying technology is beyond the capabilities of even most mechanics. You can turn to your trained, professional and affordable local locksmith in the Fair Trade Locksmith Directory to help you with access to your vehicle. Advanced auto locksmiths can help with:
They have the expertise, high-tech equipment and access to technology that lets them get you into your car and on the road quickly and securely.
A highly-skilled and verified locksmith can duplicate your keys with their high-tech laser key cutter (top), as well as program new key fobs, remotes, and transponder head keys (bottom).
Many of our locksmiths have access to advanced equipment for solving your problems including laser-based key cutting and duplicating machines which create keys that ordinary side-profile machines can’t. That’s part of the security of these keys — with codes cut into the surface of the key, you can’t just use an inexpensive mechanical duplication device to cut another copy. These keys usually also include a security chip for double verification when operating your ignition.
Our modern automotive locksmiths understand the ignition and door locks of recent and classic model vehicles. While technological solutions may help you get into your new Lexus, mechanical unlocking using special tools may be the best way to get into your older Buick or Cadillac. Look to our locksmiths for car ignition repair, car lock repair for doors or trunk, and repair of damage from a broken key, vandalism, or theft. They can also perform ignition and door lock rebuild and replacement if your vehicle requires it. Don’t forget to consider changing your car key fob programming or get a new transponder key if you are concerned about security after theft damage.
Ignition locks of newer cars often include a transponder chip which, when activated by a signal from the car’s ECU or Electronic Control Unit, answer with the appropriate code and allow you to start the car. Without a valid response from the computer car chip key, the key may work mechanically but your car’s engine will be disabled. Our locksmiths can solve your transponder-related problems and make new or duplicate keys as needed.
The car’s EEPROM memory chip, part of the ECU, holds data which is used when programming the ECU or key chips to provide the fixes you need such as restoring an immobilized vehicle or adding new key codes. Locksmiths with auto credentials and an EEPROM reader and programming tool can make your life a lot easier with a minimum of effort, allowing you to order new keys which work like the original manufacturer’s key or replacement keys which will keep you on the road. The locksmith may ask you for specific data about your car to ensure that the keys are properly created.
Using EEPROM programmers, chip keys and other technologies, a versatile locksmith can help you with a car that has been stolen or damaged and needs rekeying. This service can be even more convenient for newer cars than for older ones since reprogramming allows them to adjust the locks to respond to new keys. For older cars, rekeying involves the replacement of all locks if you want to continue to use a single key.
If you’ve locked your keys in your car or trunk, a certified locksmith can pick the locks using professional tools that won’t damage the lock.
Urgent situations such as lockouts are an opportunity for unscrupulous service providers to charge for services beyond what is needed, which might be simply a pick car lock visit. For example, if your keys are locked inside the car, you may not need the creation of a new main key just to get into your car and retrieve your keys. Our locksmiths will help you get into your car or trunk if that’s all you need and rely on your referrals and repeat business in the future to make an honest living.
Transponder chip keys, if required for your car, do cost more than regular mechanical keys. This can be an excuse for some service providers to charge excessively for the key and related services. It’s important to turn to a legitimate, scam-free locksmith who can minimize the cost of key replacement and duplication services by doing only the work you need at a reasonable cost. A qualified professional could cost less than a “cheap locksmith” from a questionable source. It’s worth taking the time to find one of these reliable locksmiths in our Fair Trade directory.
Some car manufacturers transponder-based keys which include the remote as part of the key, with buttons on the head. Others provide the remote, which opens the doors and trunk and sounds the alarm, as a separate fob that attaches to the keyring. Our automotive locksmiths have the tools to reprogram either of these types of remotes in addition to programming the chip in the remote head key.
Our automotive locksmiths are one-stop shops for anything car, truck or SUV lock-related. You can look to them for old-fashioned steering column lock repairs and replacements, car lock repair, key cloning and key copy services, and car ignition repair on virtually all makes and models, even those cars with ignition locks in the center console or dash.
Don’t forget that Fair Trade Locksmith Directory is your source for an experienced automotive locksmith and locksmiths of all kinds who are scam-free, insured, skilled and legitimate. You’ll get the results that you’re looking for at a good price, quick service and expert knowledge to solve your lock and key problems with a minimum of inconvenience.